
Database Configuration

Datasherlock offers support for all major databases. Choose the database type that suits your application's requirements and configure it accordingly.



type: "mysql"
  host: "<DB_HOST>"
  username: "<DB_USERNAME>"
  port: "<DB_PORT>"
  database: "<DB_NAME>"
  ssl: "<DB_SSL>" 

Configuration Options

  • host : Your database host URL

  • username : Your Database Username

  • port : Your Database Password, default 3306

  • database : "Your Database name"

  • ssl : "SSL is enabled or disable (true, false)"

Single Sign-On (SSO) Configuration

Integrate Single Sign-On (SSO) functionality into Datasherlock using the following configuration parameters:

Configure your chosen SSO, such as OKTA or Google. Here's an example with Google Cloud Console:

  • Create an OAuth client ID in your Google Cloud project (e.g., API Console) - choose "Web application" type.

  • Set your app's origins and redirect URLs: where Google can send users after login.

  • Grab your client ID and client secret: store them securely, they're your keys to Google SSO.

Redirect URL:

  • For Local Testing
  • For Production Deployment


NOTE: Get the Remote_URL from the dashboard.

Update the Sherlock configuration file with these parameters:

Extend Sherlock config by adding oauth field:

type: <DB_TYPE>
  client_id: "client_id"
  scopes: ["openid", "profile", "email"]
  provider: ""

Replace the client_id given by your Auth provider.

Also add the client_secret provided by the Auth Provider, as an environment variable.

export CLIENT_SECRET="client_secret"

With these configurations in place, Datasherlock can seamlessly connect to your chosen database and offer SSO support for your application.

Use the following command to register an agent with the Datasherlock cloud. It will provide you with a token and a remote link. Make sure to keep these credentials secure.

Last updated